Welcome! We are glad you are here. This page was created to accompany the book Pharisee Set Free by Emily Fieg. You might be in the right place if you are:
- Wondering if you are lukewarm in your walk with God
- Concerned that you see pharisee tendencies in your life
- Bored by the mediocre Christian life you’ve been living
- Disappointed that you haven’t been living the Christian life that the Bible offers
- Concerned that your pride may be leading you down a wrong path
- Wanting to learn more about certain topics in the book
- Or simply curious as to what this is all about.
We hope this is a place you will be encouraged, transformed, and set free from anything holding you back from a deeper relationship with the Lord. It is our hope that we can offer a place of community for those hungry for more. A place that is safe to ask questions and examine your theology.
Feel free to explore, but here are some pages you might consider starting with.
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