Words: Theology, Faith, and Belief

As I’ve written and edited my book over the past months, I’ve thought a great deal about the ideas of theology, faith, and belief. How do they overlap? In what ways are they different? As I’ve considered the weight and connotations of each of these words in my own life, I find that though they have similar meanings, they are quite different, at least, for me. For example, the word theology by definition (and in my own life) has a connotation of education and study. Theology also has a connotation of certainty. I’m recognizing that it has a physical weight and size attached to it in my life—not literally, but as I feel the word in my head. It has a weight to it. It is dense and heavy, and feels like a solid medal around my neck –  perhaps like a metal medallion. The weight of it holds me […]

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Partnering With God – A Family Business

One of the main ways God works on earth is in partnership with us. Not because He needs us involved, but because He wants us to have the opportunity and because we have been given the authority. God gave me a picture of how He wants to partner with us. The picture was of God as our Father, bringing us into His family business. In the family business, God is our boss. But as God is our good Father, there is a close relationship. The family business is not only His business, but it is also our inheritance. But you see, we have a choice. Do we want to be in business with our Father?  Now, He knows the best way to run the business. And He’s never stuck in the past way of doing things. He is always aware of what is coming in the future and knows the […]

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